New Patient Intakes


How Fatal Familial Insomnia affects Parts of  the Nervous System

How Fatal Familial Insomnia affects Parts of the Nervous System

Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI) is a rare type of degenerative brain disorder that presents as mild insomnia at first but progressively becomes worse and eventually leads to physical and mental deterioration. FFI can also affect the autonomic nervous system. The...

Which Is A Good Strategy For Overcoming Insomnia?

Which Is A Good Strategy For Overcoming Insomnia?

Having trouble sleeping and wondering how you can get better sleep? This could be as a result of one of a number of things. Are you stressed? Did you just suffer a major life change? These are just two things that can send you looking for good strategies for...

What Is Insomnia?

What Is Insomnia?

What is insomnia? It is the most common sleep disorder. It can be either short term or long term and may be transient. Short term insomnia can last anywhere between 1 night to a few weeks. When insomnia is chronic it has been ongoing for at least three nights per week...

How to Deal with Breakup Depression

How to Deal with Breakup Depression

A breakup is seldom easy, most times it is not an amicable thing and somebody’s world always gets flipped upside down. Emotions surge and while some may accept the relationship is over and move on quickly, others may find themselves in the clutches of depression. Do...

How to deal with heartbreak depression

How to deal with heartbreak depression

Depression brought on by heartbreak is known as situational depression.  Any depression that is triggered by a major life change or trauma is considered situational depression. So now you know what it is and you want to know how to deal with heartbreak depression....

What Causes Insomnia During Menopause

What Causes Insomnia During Menopause

The period of menopause is a time when a woman goes through a lot of changes in her life. The changes are mostly hormonal, which go on to trigger emotional and physical changes as well. For some women, menopause comes with a bout of side effects, one of which is...

Deal With Depression From A Broken Heart

Deal With Depression From A Broken Heart

When you go through a breakup, it is understandable to note that you will experience a couple painful emotions. So we wanted to take the time to share with you some tips on how to deal with depression from a broken heart.  Are you suffering from a broken heart and...

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FRIDAY: 9:00 am-9:00 pm
SATURDAY: 9:00 am-5:00 pm
SUNDAY: 9:00 am-2:00 pm